Uttara Bank Limited Probationary Officer MCQ Question Solution 2021 has been published on our website BankJobBD. Uttara Bank is one of the well known banks in Bangladesh. As a result, there is always a hard competition for getting selected for PO. The exam has been held on 17 September, 2021. This MCQ exam was taken by FBS, DU. The Uttara Bank Limited Probationary Officer full MCQ question solution is available here including all the subjects Bangla, English, Math, General Knowledge.
Uttara Bank PO MCQ exam Question Solution 2021 is given below, please check the answers of the Uttara Bank Limited Probationary Officer question.
১) ‘অতিশয়' দ্যোতনা সৃষ্টি করে নিচের কোন উপসর্গ?
ক) পরাজয়- পরা
খ) প্রকোপ- প্র
গ) পরাবাস্তব- পরা (✔✔✔)
ঘ) প্রগতি- প্র
২) বড় দাদা > বড়দা- কী ধরনের ধ্বনি পরিবর্তন?
ক) অসঙ্গতি
খ) ব্যঞ্জনবিকৃতি
গ) বিষমীভবন
ঘ) ব্যঞ্জনচ্যুতি (✔✔✔)
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৩) মধ্যগত স্বরসঙ্গতির উদাহরণ কোনটি?
ক) জিলিপি (✔✔✔)
খ) মুজো
গ) মেলামেশা
ঘ) তুলো
৪) মাত্রাবৃত্ত ছন্দে পূর্ণ-পর্ব সাধারণত কয় মাত্রার হয়ে থাকে?
ক) ৪
খ) ৬ (✔✔✔)
গ) ৩
ঘ) ৮
৫) 'বিপদ এবং দুঃখ একই সময়ে আসে।' কোন ধরনের বাক্য?
ক) যৌগিক বাক্য (✔✔✔)
খ) জটিল বাক্য
গ) সরল বাক্য
ঘ) মিশ্র বাক্য
৬) 'সূর্য' শব্দের সমার্থক নয় কোনটি?
ক) প্রভাকর
খ) দিবাকর
গ) সুধাকর (✔✔✔)
ঘ) মিহির
৭) 'অন্ধজনে দেহ আলো।' অন্ধজনে কোন কারক?
ক) অপাদান কারক
খ) অধিকরণ কারক
গ) সম্প্রদান কারক (✔✔✔)
ঘ) কর্ম কারক
৮) “ছি! ছি! তুমি এত খারাপ।” এখানে ‘ছি! ছি! কী অর্থ প্রকাশ করেছে?
ক) ভাবের গভীরতা (✔✔✔)
খ) পৌনঃপুনিকতা
গ) ভাবের ধারাবাহিকতা
ঘ) অনুভূতি ভাব
৯) “মন” শব্দের বিশেষণ-
ক) মানস
খ) মানসিক (✔✔✔)
গ) মনন
ঘ) মানুষ
১০) সঠিক সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?
ক) বন্ + পতি = বনস্পতি (✔✔✔)
খ) অহঃ + রহঃ = অহরহ
গ) সং + সার = সংসার
ঘ) ছেলে + মি = ছেলেমি
১১) ‘বাঙ্গালা ভাষার ইতিবৃত্ত' গ্রন্থের রচয়িতা -
ক) মুহম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহ (✔✔✔)
খ) সুকুমার সেন
গ) সুনীতিকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যায়
ঘ) মুহম্মদ আবদুল হাই
১২) নিচের কোনটি মৌলিক শব্দ নয়?
ক) গোলাপ
খ) গায়ক (✔✔✔)
গ) হাত
ঘ) ফুল
১৩) 'কচুবনের কালাচাদ’ বাগধারার অর্থ-
ক) নির্বোধ
খ) অপদার্থ (✔✔✔)
গ) ধূর্তব্যক্তি
ঘ) চাটুকার
১৪) “দেশে-বিদেশে” ভ্রমণ সাহিত্যের রচয়িতা-
ক) অন্নদাশঙ্কর রায়
খ) জসীমউদ্দীন
গ) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
ঘ) সৈয়দ মুজতবা আলী (✔✔✔)
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১৫) ‘পথিক, তুমি পথ হারাইয়াছ’- কোন উপন্যাসে উল্লেখ আছে?
ক) দুর্গেশনন্দিনী
খ) রাজসিংহ
গ) বিষবৃক্ষ
ঘ) কপালকুণ্ডলা (✔✔✔)
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১৬) After sitting in the sink for several days, the dirty, food-encrusted dishes became _____
ক) malodorous (✔✔✔)
খ) imposing
গ) prevalent
ঘ) perforated
১৭) Giulia soon discovered the source of the .......... smell in the room; a week-old tuna sandwich that one of the children had hidden in the closet.
ক) quaint
খ) fastidious
গ) clandestine
ঘ) fetid (✔✔✔)
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১৮) After making ...... remarks to the President, the reporter was not invited to return to the White House pressroom.
ক) hospitable
খ) itinerant
গ) enterprising
ঘ) irreverent (✔✔✔)
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১৯) With her ........ eyesight, Krystyna spotted a trio of deer on the hillside and she reduced the speed of her car.
ক) Inferior
খ) Keen (✔✔✔)
গ) Impressionable
ঘ) Ductile
২০) Johan argued, ''If you know about a crime but don't report it, you are .......... in that crime because you allowed it to happen.''
ক) acquitted
খ) steadfast
গ) tenuous
ঘ) complicit (✔✔✔)
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২১) Synonym of JOVIAL is -
ক) incredulous
খ) merry (✔✔✔)
গ) revolting
ঘ) dizzy
২২) Synonym of EDUCE is-
ক) Demand
খ) Unlawful
গ) ideal
ঘ) elicit (✔✔✔)
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২৩) Antonym of LUMINOUS is-
ক) clear
খ) dim (✔✔✔)
গ) clever
ঘ) brittle
২৪) Antonym of IRASCIBLE is-
ক) Determined
খ) Placid (✔✔✔)
গ) Reasonable
ঘ) Pliant
২৫) Select the correct spelling of the word:
ক) Acquaintanc
খ) Acquaintance (✔✔✔)
গ) Acqquaintance
ঘ) Accquaintance
২৬) Choose the correct pair of words from the following - SYMPHONY : COMPOSAR : :
ক) Leonardo : music
খ) Fresco : painter (✔✔✔)
গ) Colours : pallet
ঘ) Art : appreciation
২৭) Choose the best version of the underlined portion of each sentence (Question 27 - 31)Precipitation in California is often erratic, and when arriving, tends to fall in the mountainous northern and easier parts of the state rather than the populous and fertile southern and western ones.
ক) when arriving, tends to fall
খ) when arriving, has a tendency of falling
গ) when it arrives, it tends in falling
ঘ) when it arrives it tends to fall (✔✔✔)
২৮) Just who inspired English painter John Constable's marvelously enigmatic cloud studies, much prized by collectors, have never been entirely clear.
ক) studies, much prized by collectors, have
খ) studies, much prized by collectors, has (✔✔✔)
গ) studies, many of them prized by collectors, have
ঘ) studies, many of which are prized by collectors
২৯) The starling, a bird mentioned in one of Shakespeare's plays, was first introduced in the United States in 1890 and has since become a significant pest species.
ক) was first introduced in the United States in 1890 and has since become (✔✔✔)
খ) were first introduced in the United States in 1890 and has since become
গ) was first introduced to the United States in 1890 and would since become
ঘ) was first introduced to the United States in 1890 and since became
৩০) Contrasting with the works of the rationalists, Hume held that passion rather than reason governs human behavior and postulated that humans can have knowledge only of the objects of experience.
ক) Contrasting with the works of the rationalists
খ) In contrast with the rationalists work
গ) In contrast to those of the rationalists
ঘ) Unlike the rationalists (✔✔✔)
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৩১) By day, hippos enjoy bathing in water to cool themselves down, which might have contributed to their reputation for being relatively sluggish and sedentary.
ক) which might have contributed to their reputation for being
খ) which might contribute to its reputation for being
গ) and this might have contributed to their reputation to be
ঘ) a preference that might contribute to their reputation for being (✔✔✔)
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৩২) Select the sentence with appropriate form:
ক) If Salina had the money, she would buy a fast car. (✔✔✔)
খ) If I know the answer, I would tell you.
গ) If I was you, I would put your jacket on.
ঘ) It would be nice if the weather is better.
৩৩) Choose the sentence with appropriate use of some:
ক) I want to buy some new shoe.
খ) Would you like to buy some apples?
গ) Rana has listened to some music.
ঘ) He bought some piece of cheese.
৩৪) Which of the following words is correctly spelled?
ক) Parliament (✔✔✔)
খ) Pairlament
গ) Parliamente
ঘ) Parlaiment
৩৫) Passive voice of 'If you're doing something important, you are working to make change happen.'
ক) If something important is done, work is done to make change happen.
খ) Something important is being done by you, you are making change happen.
গ) If something important is being done, work is being done to make change happen. (✔✔✔)
ঘ) If important work is being done, change is about to happen
৩৬) In a city, 40% of the people are illiterate and 60% are poor. Among the rich, 10% are illiterate. What percent of the poor population is illiterate?
ক) 36 (✔✔✔)
খ) 40
গ) 50
ঘ) 60
৩৭) Palash drives from City A to B at 40 km per hour and returns over the same road at 30 km per hour and spends 8 hours away from home including a one hour stop for lunch. What is the distance (in km) between City A and City B?
ক) 100
খ) 120 (✔✔✔)
গ) 140
ঘ) 180
৩৮) A collection of books went on sale and 2/3 of them was sold for Tk 2.30 each. If none of the 36 remaining books were sold, what was the total amount received for the books that were sold?
ক) 165.6 (✔✔✔)
খ) 180
গ) 135.6
ঘ) 90
৩৯) TK 7,500 is divided in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5. Find the difference between the greatest and smallest shares?
ক) 1500
খ) 2000 (✔✔✔)
গ) 2600
ঘ) 2700
৪০) When the diameter of a circle is tripled, the area of the circle will be increased by how many times?
ক) 3
খ) 6
গ) 9 (✔✔✔)
ঘ) 12
৪১) A woman says, ''if you reverse my own age, the figure represents my husband's age. He is, of course, senior to me and the difference between our ages is one eleventh of our sum. ''What is the age of the woman?
ক) 23
খ) 34
গ) 45 (✔✔✔)
ঘ) 54
৪২) In the coordinate plane, line m passes through the origin and has a slope of 3. If points (6, y) and (x, 12) are on line m, then y - x = ?
ক) 14 (✔✔✔)
খ) 18
গ) 22
ঘ) 26
৪৩) A delivery cart went from Candle ford to Lark Rise and back at an average speed of 2/3 miles per hour. If the distance from Candle ford to Lark Rise is 1 mile, and the trip back took half as much time as the trip there, what was the average speed of the delivery cart on the way to Lark Rise?
ক) 1/3
খ) 3/4
গ) 1/2 (✔✔✔)
ঘ) 2/3
৪৪) The average of several exam scores is 80. One make-up exam was given. Included with the other scores, the new average was 84. If the score on the make up exam was 92, how many total exams were given?
ক) 3 (✔✔✔)
খ) 2
গ) 4
ঘ) 5
৪৫) If one of the roots of the quadratic equation x2+mx+24=0 is 1.5, then what is the value of m?
ক) -22.5
খ) 16
গ) -17.5 (✔✔✔)
ঘ) 10.5
৪৬) A solid cube of side 6 is first painted pink and then cut into smaller cubes of side 2. How many of the smaller cubes have paint on exactly 2 sides?
ক) 13
খ) 27
গ) 30
ঘ) 12 (✔✔✔)
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৪৭) A man spent 1/2 of his money and then lost 1/4 of the remainder. He was left with Tk. 3,600. How much did he start with?
ক) 7200
খ) 8800
গ) 9600 (✔✔✔)
ঘ) 10400
৪৮) A Triangle has a perimeter 13. The two shorter sides have integer lengths equal to x and x + 1. Which of the following could be the length of the other side?
ক) 3
খ) 4
গ) 10
ঘ) 6 (✔✔✔)
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৪৯) A Shopkeeper buys 100 mangoes at Tk. 12 each. He sells 60 mangoes at Tk. 17.40 each and x mangoes at Tk. 11.31 each. The shopkeeper makes a profit of at least 10%. Find the least possible value of x.
ক) 24
খ) 25 (✔✔✔)
গ) 27
ঘ) 28
৫০) Lamia owns a hairdressing salon. She borrows Tk. 2500 from a bank to improve her beauty salon. She is charged 4.5% per year compound interest. She pays the money back after 3 years. Calculate the total amount Lamia must pay to the bank.
ক) 2852.92 (✔✔✔)
খ) 2528.29
গ) 2752.29
ঘ) 2679.92
৫১) A room 8 m long, 6 m high and 22.5 cm thick is made up of bricks, each measuring 25 cm × 11.25 cm × 6 cm. The number of bricks required is.
ক) 7200
খ) 6400 (✔✔✔)
গ) 6000
ঘ) 5600
৫২) If the salary of an employee is reduced by 10 percent for his late attendance and then increased by 10 percent on a pardon, how much does he lose?
ক) 2
খ) 1 (✔✔✔)
গ) 1/2
ঘ) 9
৫৩) A train 240 m long passes a pole in 24 seconds. How long will it take to pass a platform 650 m long?
ক) 80
খ) 89 (✔✔✔)
গ) 90
ঘ) 95
৫৪) Out of 10 persons working on a project, 4 are graduates. If 3 are selected, what is the probability that there is at least one graduate among them?
ক) 1/6
খ) 5/8
গ) 3/8
ঘ) 5/6 (✔✔✔)
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৫৫) 85% of a number is added to 24, the result is the same number. Find the number?
ক) 150
খ) 140
গ) 130
ঘ) 160 (✔✔✔)
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৫৬) Who is the current Prime Minister of New Zealand?
ক) Jacinda Ardern (✔✔✔)
খ) Simon Bridges
গ) Sophie Wilms
ঘ) Katrin Jakobsdottir
৫৭) The headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is in -
ক) London, UK
খ) New York, US
গ) Paris, France
ঘ) Rome, Italy (✔✔✔)
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৫৮) Who is the Author of the Book ''Brief Answers to the Big Questions''?
ক) Chadwick
খ) Stephen Hawking (✔✔✔)
গ) Albert Einstein
ঘ) Newton
৫৯) World Environment Day is on -
ক) 2nd June
খ) 2nd May
গ) 5th May
ঘ) 5th June (✔✔✔)
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৬০) Ryanair airline belongs to which country?
ক) Tajikistan
খ) Ireland (✔✔✔)
গ) Switzerland
ঘ) Finland
৬১) Who is the current CEO of Google?
ক) Larry Page
খ) Sundar Pichai (✔✔✔)
গ) Sergey Brin
ঘ) Onil Bagchi
৬২) Who is the incumbent President of the European Commission?
ক) Ursula von der Leyen (✔✔✔)
খ) Jean-Claude Juncker
গ) Jose Manuel Barroso
ঘ) Romano Prodi
৬৩) JAXA is a space agency of which country?
ক) Jordan
খ) Germany
গ) Jamaica
ঘ) Japan (✔✔✔)
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৬৪) Old name of Zimbabwe is
ক) Northern Rhodesia
খ) Saigon
গ) Southern Rhodesia (✔✔✔)
ঘ) Zaire
৬৫) The study of light and vision is known as
ক) Astronomy
খ) Acoustics
গ) Neurology
ঘ) Optics (✔✔✔)
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৬৬) Which continent has the highest number of countries?
ক) Asia
খ) Africa (✔✔✔)
গ) Europe
ঘ) North America
৬৭) First Asian city that hosted the Olympics is-
ক) Hanoi
খ) New Delhi
গ) Beijing
ঘ) Tokyo (✔✔✔)
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৬৮) Who is the king of Bahrain?
ক) Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud
খ) Qaboos bin Said al Said
গ) Elyes Fakhfakh
ঘ) Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (✔✔✔)
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৬৯) Which country is called 'Land of Protease'?
ক) Zimbabwe
খ) New Zealand
গ) Australia
ঘ) South Africa (✔✔✔)
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৭০) Suez Canal is between
ক) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea (✔✔✔)
খ) Mediterranean Sea and North Sea
গ) Arabian Sea and Red Sea
ঘ) Red Sea and North Sea
Uttara Bank Limited Probationary Officer পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান দেওয়া হয়েছে। উত্তরা ব্যাংক এর প্রবেশনারি অফিসার পদের পরীক্ষার বাংলা, ইংরেজি, গণিত এবং সাধারন জ্ঞান প্রশ্নের সমাধান উপরে দেখে নিন।
১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২১ তারিখে অনুষ্ঠিত উত্তরা ব্যাংক এর প্রবেশনারি অফিসার পদের পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান 2021 আমাদের ব্যাংক জব বিডি ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে। উত্তরা ব্যাংক এর প্রবেশনারি অফিসার পদের পরীক্ষার ফলাফলও BankJobBD.com ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশ করা হয়ে থাকে। উত্তরা ব্যাংক এর প্রবেশনারি অফিসার পদের প্রিলি ও রিটেন উভয় পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান 2021 এখানে পাবেন। এছাড়াও আমরা উত্তরা ব্যাংক এর প্রবেশনারি অফিসার পদের সকল নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি, ফলাফল ও রেজাল্ট এখানে নিয়মিত আপডেট করে থাকি।
উত্তরা ব্যাংক ছাড়াও সকল সরকারি ও বেসরকারি ব্যাংকের নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি, রেজাল্ট, এডমিট, প্রবেশপত্র, প্রশ্ন সমাধান পাবেন BankJobBD তে।
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